BBC Studios Drama Productions is the biggest drama production hub outside of London with bases in England, Scotland and Wales and is focussed on producing ambitious, commercially optimised and returnable drama series for a global audience. Our award-winning dramas bring audiences together week after week from EastEnders,




Our Team

Kate Oates

Kate Oates

Head of Drama

Kate Oates joined BBC Studios in 2018 as a Senior Executive Producer, and in 2019 took on the role o...

Deborah Sathe

Deborah Sathe

Creative Director

Deborah started her career as a theatre director and producer before moving to the BBC to set up the...

Siân O'Callaghan

Siân O’Callaghan

Director of Production

Siân started as a broadcast journalist in BBC News and has held senior editorial and production role...

A man with short brown hair wearing a grey jumper and shirt

Tom Williams

Head of Development

Tom began his career at the BBC where he worked across story and script for the likes EastEnders and...

A man with short hair wearing a blazer

Kris Green

Training Executive

Kris joined EastEnders in 2010 as a storyliner, before moving to the Script team where he became Sen...